Tuesday 19 April 2011

Welcome to the Maze!

If there is one place you never want to lose your map, it's Venice. Without a map you are lost for days in a maze of alleyways, bridges and piazzas/squares. With a map it is hard enough! Venice isn't actually that big. Maybe 2 or 3 kms from side to side but the main part of Venice isn't huge. The problem is there seems to be no direct path from one point to another unless you want to get to the other end of the street! Even then sometimes the street bends. You are constantly double backing on yourself and heading in the wrong direction because it is the only way to get the place you want to go. There are streets that are dead ends, always rightin the corner that you can't see until you are about 2 meters away and bridges that you have to cross over and then cross over the canal again 20 meters after because there is no path on your side. It is amazing though. Everyone is so calm and unfased. Hardly anyone seems to be in a rush to get anywhere (mostly because alot of people are tourists)

You are almost constantly surrounded by water in Venice but after a while you are desensitised to it. You don't notice it, well you do but it's not like "WOW water!That's amazing!" It's like "another bridge okayyy oh pretty water and gondalas! I want to go on one of them!" (Bens very keen on going on a gondala)

Venice is a very beautiful place. You can see why so many people come here. It can also be fairly tiring though. You are constantly going over bridges and trying to find out where you are. When it comes to the end of the day, you are very glad just to put your feet up, have a nice meal and enjoy the view from the comfort of a chair.

Should you come to Venice? Yes, it's gorgeous and I must do for all people in the Europian area.
Bring a map? Definitly. And do not lose it, whatever you do. Just keep your hand nice and tight around that map if you ever want to find your way back to your accommodation.
Have a good time? It's hard not to. Venice is gorgeous.

Well that is my update. I know it hasn't been much about what we've been doing but thats mostly been walking around and poking about in shops :P

Emma xxxxxx

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