Friday 15 April 2011

I Am in Nowhere Land

Yes, I am technically standing in International territory even though we are stopped over in Dubai. It’s the same as when we landed in Singapore. I have been to Singapore (about 12 hours ago now) but because I didn’t pass through customs, technically I’ve never been there!
I’m writing this in word because the computer doesn’t want to connect to the internet but I will upload this and some various photos (of our activities at the airports :P) when we get internet access-hopefully in Rome!
Anyway, the flights (2 down, 1 to go!) have been really long and boring and it is virtually impossible to get to sleep. It’s hard because you can’t sleep on your side because they like you to be buckled up most of the time so you have to try to sleep on your back with your seat tipped back as far as it will go (it’s really not that far) It must be so much better out of cattle class!!! Anyway, so far I’ve managed to watch Charlie St. Cloud, Little Fockers, The Social Network and just about all of the episodes they have of Friends. I was also listening to Bruno Mars last night (which eventually put me to sleep for an hour or so!!)
Mum and I found these foot massager machines at Singapore airport. They were free so we thought we would give them a try. It was the weirdest thing, sitting there in these funny foot massage machines at the airport at midnight (their time. It was around 1 or 2 in the morning Melbourne time!!!)
Next stop is Rome and by now, everyone just wants to get there (also I think dad is looking forward to testing out his Italian skills that he has been bugging everyone with for the past several months.) Joel is really, really tired, which is kinda ironic because he was the one saying he would watch heaps of movies and play lots of games but now he has just literally crash bombed. He’s not in a very good mood and it’s not taking much to set him off. Also he’s off playing his IPod and just being the good ol’ Mr Social we all know him as :P Ben is also being a mega pain. He’s tired but apart from maybe dad (who kept dropping off every 10 minutes or so if no one was talking to him), he slept the best. Mind you, Ben is very good at being a pain all the time.
Well that is the main news for now. Not that there has been much interesting to report. Things will get a whole lot more interesting when we finally get there! Right now I just can’t wait to get a proper night’s sleep!!!
Love Kiss and Hugs from Across in Dubai!!!!!
Emma xxxxxx
(I wrote this on Monday)

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