Friday 15 April 2011

Ciao From Pizza-a-go-go Land!

So we are in Rome now but I still don’t have internet access but I am writing this anyway.
Rome is so beautiful. So far we have visited the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Palatino, the Victory Palace, the Trevi Fountain, the Piazza Navona, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, the Basilica di SS Cosma e Damino and the Villa Borghese (a big park in Rome). At Villa Borghese, we hired a Rickshaw for an hour and drove around (rather crazily I dare say).
Which brings me to my next point. The Italians are crazy drivers. I mean seriously crazy. Our driver from the airport to our apartment was speeding, talking on the phone, without a seatbelt and constantly switching lanes. Also, you should see the parking. Vespas are squeezed into the smallest spaces, cars are half put into spaces or on corners. Mum said before that it seemed that if there was no car park-just stop the car and get out. It is extremely entertaining.
So far my favourite thing has been the Trevi Fountain. It is beautiful beyond belief and Ben and I threw a coin in over our shoulders. It is gorgeous and the architecture is just unbelievable!!!
Also, at the Palatino, we saw a heap of archaeologists working and I had to take some pictures of them for Maddy :P The whole place is bursting with opportunity for archaeologists and I can see so many areas that could be dug up more.
Dad is very disappointed as he hasn’t had many opportunities to practise his Italian as most people will speak at least a small amount of English. Although today he tried to order a double shot long black and just ended up with 2 long blacks! :P
Tomorrow we are going to go to the Vatican City and have a look at the Basilica. It should be quite interesting. We have already visited a couple of quite spectacular Basilicas but I have a feeling this will be on a whole new level.
This place is amazing as well as a tad crazy and there is a lot I haven’t put in this but I will write again soon and hopefully we will visit an internet cafe soon so I can post this/do more blogging/Facebook/Skype/check emails/check the footy scores!!
That is all,
Emma xxxxxx
PS Hope things are good back in Aus J
(I wrote this on Wednesday)

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