Sunday 24 April 2011

Picture Perfect Paris!

So I realised I hadn't blogged for a while so here is a bit of a recap of Venice :)

Riding the Gondala was amazing and terifing at the same time. The boat feels quite unstable but you can't stop smiling as you are taking down various canals with all sorts of people watching you when you are near bridges. Our gondalaier wasn't very chatting but one of the other guys told us he had been in the business for ages and was very good. He certainly proved himself because he managed to keep us from crashing when at several times it was quite likely that we would.

In our last night in Venice we went out for Pizza. Italian pizza is 1million times better that any pizza in Australia!! I had the most enormous coke ever (see photos 2.0) and the waiter gave Ben the nickname "BigBoss". That was a good laugh. The pizza was good but not the best we had in Venice. The best we had in Venice we had in a little cafe not far from the railway station while we were waiting. We had wanted a drink but ended up staying and ordering 2 pizzas for a light, early dinner. The Riccota and Spinach was delicous!

After a long and pretty uncomfortable train ride we are now in Paris though!

Paris is very beautiful and kind of what you expect but also kind of not! The thing I love about Europe is that everyone is pretty laid back-especially when it comes to safety in everyday life! No one wears helmets while bike riding and when the buzzer goes to warn that the doors are shutting on the metro, you need to decide whether you are on or off pretty quickly or you'll be (one of the,I expect, several) recipients of a nice and decent bruise!

Another thing I have found out is that my french is not half as good as I thought it was! They speak so fast and only when we arrived did I realise I knew how to say "Fish" in french (Poisson) but not "5 metro tickets please!" This is especially difficult when you are expected to be thefrench expert as you learn french at school. It's almost lucky that dad has been mega keen on learning the different languages (Although it got kinda annoying when every half an hour he was taking my hand and saying "enchante") He thinks it makes him multi-lingual because he can say a few words in Italian and French (and also Japanese as I found out yesterday but he can only say hi and1,2,3 ect.) but he is NOT! I on the other hand managed to order a crepe today without using any English. This included telling the lady I was Australian and I learn French at school!

Yesterday we climbed the Effiel Tower. The queues were around 10 kms long but when you get up there it is all worth it! The view is pretty spectacular and the information up there is really good. We walked the 704 steps to the second level and (after much flim-flamming around) we got the lift to the summit. The view was quite nice :)

Other things??
We went to visit the Catacombes today but unfortunately they were closed today.
We also visited the Arc de Triomphe but we couldn't get up into it because they were about to start some military service. We are hoping to go tonight.
Angelinas tomorrow (aparently the best hot chocolate in the world) and Disneyland Tuesday :D

That is all for now :)
Au Reviour,
Emma xxxxxxx

PS Feel free to leave me comments at the end of my blogs and I'll hopefully get back to you :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Em, Glad to see your enjoying Parie. Will you also being visiting the museums before going to Euro Disney? Uncle Gav.
