Monday 9 May 2011

The Land of Windmills and Clogs???

Dad wants a loft.

We are staying in Dieren, Netherlands for the night in an apartment (which is really just the top 2 floors of someones house) but there is a loft that dad loves. That is appartently the next project after the garage and the front yard.

Anyway, on to more pressing matters!!! That of Windmills and clogs :) Not that there really is a matter... There are about a million windturbines but so far no windmills (our host, Constance, said there are hardly any here anyway)  and no one has been wearing any clogs... :( I'm sure I'll find a pair somewhere that I can wear to spur a nation into wearing their traditional footwear!! CLOGS ARE COOL!!!! ahahahahaha

So stuff we have done since I last wrote on this bloggy of mine.

We ended up seeing Lion King and We Will Rock You which were both AMAZING!!! :) Ben LOVED the lion king and was on the edge of his seat all through the second half. We Will Rock You was just incredible and when we were chatting to one of the customs officers last night he said that he was pleased we had seen it and that he had seen it at least a half a dozen times.

We went on the London Eye-most gorgeous view from the top AND you get your photo taken :D (I love photos). We also visited Big Ben (cool but really it's just a clock-even if it is on top of the parliment building) and 2 of Londons amazing churches: Westminster Abbey and St Pauls. They are very different but beautiful in their own right. We didn't go inside the Abbey-the queue was too long-and only me dad and I had a quick look inside St Pauls but we couldn't see all of it because they had a service was on and also, sadly, the whispering wall was closed :/

We didn't get around to visiting LegoLand so mum said that we would go out and get some lego for Ben instead. Mum, Ben and I went to get it while Joel and Dad went to Lord's (Joel loved it and Mum and I agreed that dad secretly had an excellent time too). Unfortunately, this was the time I thought would be good for Maddame Tassuades but we spent all morning in Department Stores instead..... >:/

Last night we caught the (very lovely) boat over to the Netherlands. The boat was great but I don't know any dutch :O Apparently most people speak english but we did learn that it is useful to have a dutch speak with you when we went out to do some supermarket shopping and Constance came with us..... I've decided I'm going to pick up words as I go and when we leave the Netherlands in 2 weeks I will be fluent in Dutch :)

Anyway, that is everything for now.
I don't know when we might get internet access and I can write again.... Hopefully not too long.
Wish us luck on a bicycle bonanza :)
And now a parting joke ;)
A man walks into a french restraunt and asks the waiter: Do you have frog legs??
The waiter replies: Yes.
And the man respondes: Well you better hop off and get me a sandwich then.
Ahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha :D
I'm so funny :)

Hugs, Love and A Big Sloppy Kiss ;)
Emma xxxxxxxxxx

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