Thursday 19 May 2011

I'm Riding My Bicycle....

Sorry everyone that I haven't written much lately-I've been so busy!! Plus check out to see some of my other blogging work ;)

So, the last time I wrote I was in Groningen. Well, now we are in Amsterdam!! To get here we have rode from Groningen to Sneek and on to Hindeloopen. Then we took a ferry across the bay and rode down the costline to Amsterdam.

Sneek was quite pretty and I wish we'd had a bit more time there! There were lots of shops to explore and I liked the general layout of the town. Also, there we had booked out pretty much the whole hotel so they let us keep our bikes in the lobby!! That was a bit of an amusing site and because we had caught the train part of the way there, we had been one of the first to arrive and our bikes were right up the back!

Hindeloopen was so cute and we had booked out most of the hotel rooms in the town (across 2 seperate hotels!) We had even had to put our orders in a couple of days early so the restaurant we were eating at would have enough of all the ingredients!! It was nice walking around there and it was very relaxing.

Amsterdam is completely different from most of the other places we've been to on the cycle tour. Several of us (including me unfortunately) have been nearly killed by stepping out into the way of bikes we didn't expect. Thankfully, no one has actually died yet!

Also in Amsterdam, today we had a "Group Lunch" planned and turned up to find that we were having lunch while cruising round Amsterdam on a boat! I can't tell you how excited everyone was!!! It was a really good way to see the sights of Amsterdam.

Amsterdam is really busy! Especially since we've come from the small town of Hindeloopen! But we're not staying long here-tomorrow we are off to Utrecht. There is not so long left on the tour now and so much to see!

Another thing too that Dad insisted I say is that we have discovered one of the most amazing foods while here in Dutch-Land: Stroopwaffels!! They're 2 really thin waffely things that have a layer of gooey, caramelly stuff in the middle! YUM! We've had them everyday since we discovered them!!

In excactly a week from now I will be on a plane, not far from home. 7 weeks is the longest I've ever been away from home. It doesn't feel like 7 weeks though. In some ways it feels like 2 weeks, in another it feels like 3 months. It feels like a whole lot more than 6 weeks ago that we were seeing the sights of Rome but it all seems to have gone so fast! At the moment I'm just trying to enjoy every second of it while it lasts!!!

Heres hoping that we pick up some nice weather in Dubai to bring home to Melbourne!
Lots of Love,
Emma xxxxxx

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