Monday 30 May 2011

All Good Things Come To An End

So, as all things do, the trip is finished and while we struggle with jet lag, catching up with friends and family, as well as juggling catching up on missed school/work, I thought I'd take a quick look back at the trip.

When I left I don't think I had a lot of expectations. Really, I thought it would be a nice break from school and a great chance to see some of the sites of the world. What I didn't really anticipate was just how amazing everything was and is!

If there was one thing I didn't like in Europe, it was the amount of smokers there are and that made me really proud of what the Australian government has done to reduce the amount of smokers here. But seriously, that was the only thing I wasn't mad keen on in Europe.

I only wish we were studying Ancient Rome this year instead of year 7 because it's so much different seeing the things in real life rather than reading and looking at them in a book. Also, you can gather so much more information and it adds a whole new dimension to the history that you study-it all becomes a lot more real.

Studying French for just over 2 years, I thought my French was reasonably good. Unfortunately, it was when I arrived there that I realised I didn't even know how to ask for 10 tickets for the metro and the only thing I knew that was vaguely useful was "Parlez-vous Anglais?" Now, Dad's going around claiming he's "Multi-Lingual" because he can speak a few words of French and Italian. I think he's dreaming. My dream didn't come true though, us I can speak no more Dutch now than I could when i entered Dutch-land. Well actually, I can say Good Bye (Tot Ziens!) But not much else.

Languages are hard.

All, the places we went to were pretty unbelievable and it would be impossible to fit it all in. The place that I was pretty amazed by was the Netherlands. Amsterdam isn't exactly the most family friendly place and a lot of tourists don't make it far past there but once you do, it's one of the most beautiful countries! It's hard to believe sometimes that it's all been man-made and it was once all marsh land!

In many ways, I'm very sad to be home, but in others being home is probably pretty good and I don't know how much longer I could've lasted being away. I just know that one day I'll go back and explore Europe more, but for now I think I need to focus on my life at home. So many things have happened while I've been away and I wish I had been here....

Emma xxxxx


  1. Good to have you home Em.
    I'm interested you say languages are hard because while you were away there was a proposal that languages not only be taught as they are in primary schools, but that some additional classes be taught using that language( eg: if your school learns Indonesian, maths or music might also require the teacher conducting the class in Indo. What do you think about that idea?

  2. Well it would probably give people more practical language schools but I'm not sure how well it would work... I don't think there would be quite enough teachers that speak a different language to go around
